Thursday, August 6, 2009


Wow, I didn't mean for it to take so long to blog again! Hubby has been on vacation for 12 days so we have been out and about :) He just left for work so I have some free time to post some new pics of the family and what we have been up too.

Warren taught Ryker how to ride his little bike! He is doing so good.. I am proud of both my boys! LOTS of time and patience!!
West is growing fast! He gained over a pound and now weighs 8 p0unds 6 ounces! We are starting to see him want to be held more. It's funny he will get fussy when he is sitting alone but the second you pick him up he is fine! I can't believe he has figured that out so fast! Ha ha! He also loves to pee on his daddy almost every time he changes him.

Jordan had to go back to Colorado :( Now I am back to being the only girl in a house of 3 boys... not fair!! I will miss staying up late watching Hannah Montana and all the other Disney shows with her!

Have a good night :)


Mommy Project said...

Such sweet pics., they made me smile. My baby is 6 months old now and the pics. of your little guy is making me want another already. Just adorable!!

melissa said...

Hey Jacy! I just saw your blog on myspace. Your boys are adorable, hope all is well!

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